I am aware of the Inquisit's fucntion to untilize subject's individualized input as testing materials in later task. However, I am wondering if there is a way to maintain that individualized materials across multiple sessions.
More specifically, my subject will be presented 50 words, and each of them will evaluate each word with respect to its emotional valence, and I I want to use 20 most negatively evaluated words repeatedly over the following several sessions.
For example, is it possible to save subject's response in a text file or something and then read it back to the program when the same person logs back in? Each of my subjects will have his own unique word list that will be repeatedly used across multiple sessions. Indeed, here I need some sort of login mechanism which will enable each subject to be recognized when coming back.
If anyone knows if this is possible with Inquisit, I would greatly appreciate it.
Much thanks for your time in advance.