Great! And thanks for posting a detailed outline of your solution -- I'm sure other users will find this very helpful.
Best wishes from a fellow Inquisit user,
Hi Dave,
thanks for the reply! :D I used the .bat to get it to work! :)
I almost figured it out myself, except that I used this:
JumpOut("\\startexp.bat"; VariableNameToPass)
Which didn't work, now I've just used the following (difference is in the two backslashes, which Is stupid anyway :p):
JumpOut("startexp.bat"; VariableNameToPass)
(the .bat is in the same directory..)
Thanks a lot!
Cheers, Peppo
so, a recap on the solution for future readers:
Authorware should be able to append a variable (i.e. the id collected earlier) to a batch call. I'd try something like
JumpOut("C:\Program Files\Millisecond Software\Inquisit 3\Inquisit.exe", "C:\Experiments\MyExperiment.exp"; VariableNameToPass)
where 'VariableNameToPass' is the variable that holds the participant ID collected earlier.
If this doesn't work, I'd create a simple Windows text file containing the following line
"C:\Program Files\Millisecond Software\Inquisit 3\Inquisit.exe" "C:\Experiments\MyExperiment.exp" %1
and save it as 'startexp.bat' in the same direcory as the Authorware file. Then the first command would simplify to
JumpOut(FileLocation^"\\startexp.bat"; VariableNameToPass)
Some useful links:
Once you've worked out a solution, please post it here. Others will appreciate it.
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to string together different experiments (authorware and inquisit), with inquisit coming last. I want inquisit to use an id number that was specified earlier in the experiment.
I've tried to use authorware to start inquisit with an id number like this:
"C:\.......\script.exe 22"
but this way every participant in inquisit gets the same number. I can't get the subject id variable between the "" in authorware..
Perhaps it is possible to start inquisit with a subject id read from a text file? That way I could have authorware create a .txt with the subject id, and have inquisit read that file..
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)