A few things not working properly. And flicker.

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Hi All,

consider the attached script. There are a few things not functional here.

(1) Fixation cross flickers between trials TRIAL_refset and TRIAL_probe.

There is not a single "erase=true" statement in the entire script. However, the fixation cross (or text in this demo script) flickers at the switch between TRIAL_refset and TRIAL_probe. Since we are doing an EEG experiment, the flicker yields EEG activity which we'd rather avoid.

(2) A second port stimulus in trial TRIAL_refset has no effect.

Issue (1) could be circumvented by integrating TRIAL_refset and TRIAL_probe into one trial. The latter should look like

<trial TRIAL_refset>
/ iscorrectresponse = [((values.iIdent==0) && (trial.TRIAL_probe.response==203))||((values.iIdent==1) && (trial.TRIAL_probe.response==205))]
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ responsetime = 2250
/ responsetrial = (anyresponse, TRIAL_response)
/ responsetrial = (noresponse, TRIAL_response)
/ stimulustimes = [0 = SHAPE_blank,PIC_fix,TEXT_debugstring;
1500=PORT_refset,PIC_ref_p01,PIC_ref_p02,PIC_fix; 3000=SHAPE_blank,PIC_fix; 4500=PORT_probe,SHAPE_blank,PIC_ref_p03; 5250=SHAPE_blank]
/ timeout = 8250
/ validresponse = (203,205,noresponse)

Unfortunately, PORT_probe is not set in this case.

(3) Inquisit allows only for some none-consecutive numbers in an <item>.

The port triggers need to be computed at runtime since they encode some important trial properties. Since I wasn't aware of a way to send integer values to a port, I decided to realize a translation table "integer -> binary" via an item. The various integer codes used throughout the script are not consecutive, hence I originally planned to define the <item> like this:

<item ITEM_portsignals>
/  1 = "00000001"
/  2 = "00000010"
/  3 = "00000011"
/ 11 = "00001011"
/ 12 = "00001100"
/ 13 = "00001101"
/ 14 = "00001110"
/ 15 = "00001111"
/ 16 = "00010000"
/ 21 = "00010101"
/ 22 = "00010110"
/ 23 = "00010111"
/ 24 = "00011000"
/ 25 = "00011001"
/ 26 = "00011010"
/ 31 = "01101111"
/ 32 = "01110000"
/ 33 = "01110001"
/ 34 = "01110010"
/ 35 = "01110011"
/ 36 = "01110100"
/ 41 = "01111001"
/ 42 = "01111010"
/ 43 = "01111011"
/ 44 = "01111100"
/ 45 = "01111101"
/ 46 = "01111110"

Inquisit does not issue an error when I do so. During runtime, while the following expressions work:


these do not but issue a script error:


Any clues on any of these?

Bye, Malte.

FaceWatch_WorkMem_EEG_test.exp (947 views, 18.00 KB)
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(1) Fixation cross flickers between trials TRIAL_refset and TRIAL_probe.

There is not a single "erase=true" statement in the entire script. However, the fixation cross (or text in this demo script) flickers at the switch between TRIAL_refset and TRIAL_probe. Since we are doing an EEG experiment, the flicker yields EEG activity which we'd rather avoid.

There is no TRIAL_refset in the script you attached. Also, I'm not seeing any flickers.

(2) A second port stimulus in trial TRIAL_refset has no effect.

Issue (1) could be circumvented by integrating TRIAL_refset and TRIAL_probe into one trial. The latter should look like

<trial TRIAL_refset>
/ iscorrectresponse = [((values.iIdent==0) && (trial.TRIAL_probe.response==203))||((values.iIdent==1) && (trial.TRIAL_probe.response==205))]
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ responsetime = 2250
/ responsetrial = (anyresponse, TRIAL_response)
/ responsetrial = (noresponse, TRIAL_response)
/ stimulustimes = [0 = SHAPE_blank,PIC_fix,TEXT_debugstring;
1500=PORT_refset,PIC_ref_p01,PIC_ref_p02,PIC_fix; 3000=SHAPE_blank,PIC_fix; 4500=PORT_probe,SHAPE_blank,PIC_ref_p03; 5250=SHAPE_blank]
/ timeout = 8250
/ validresponse = (203,205,noresponse)

Unfortunately, PORT_probe is not set in this case.

See response to (1). Offhand though, I'd say introducing a proper <port erase> before sending the second trigger could help.

(3) Inquisit allows only for some none-consecutive numbers in an <item>.

The port triggers need to be computed at runtime since they encode some important trial properties. Since I wasn't aware of a way to send integer values to a port, I decided to realize a translation table "integer -> binary" via an item. The various integer codes used throughout the script are not consecutive, hence I originally planned to define the <item> like this:

<item ITEM_portsignals>
/  1 = "00000001"
/  2 = "00000010"
/  3 = "00000011"
/ 11 = "00001011"
/ 12 = "00001100"
/ 13 = "00001101"
/ 14 = "00001110"
/ 15 = "00001111"
/ 16 = "00010000"
/ 21 = "00010101"
/ 22 = "00010110"
/ 23 = "00010111"
/ 24 = "00011000"
/ 25 = "00011001"
/ 26 = "00011010"
/ 31 = "01101111"
/ 32 = "01110000"
/ 33 = "01110001"
/ 34 = "01110010"
/ 35 = "01110011"
/ 36 = "01110100"
/ 41 = "01111001"
/ 42 = "01111010"
/ 43 = "01111011"
/ 44 = "01111100"
/ 45 = "01111101"
/ 46 = "01111110"

Inquisit does not issue an error when I do so. During runtime, while the following expressions work:


these do not but issue a script error:


AFAIK, the  '/ 1', etc. in your <item> element doesn't actually mean anything to Inquisit's parser -- it will simply construct sequential item indexes based on the total number of item entries contained in the <item> element. This means 'getitem(ITEM_portsignals,4)' will return your '/ 11',  while 'getitem(ITEM_portsignals,11)' will return your '/ 22'. The latter expressions fail because they're out of index (i.e. there is no item no. 46). Workaround: Fill in the blank spots with empty entries.



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P.S.: BTW, you do realize that '/ erase = true' is actually the default setting, don't you? I.e. you have to *explicitly* declare '/ erase = false' for all your stims.


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Script has been fixed, trial TRIAL_refset was erroneously named TRIAL_main.

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Dave, you've once again been helpful. Amending all stimuli (except the <port> stimuli, of course) with /erase=false did the trick - no more flickering.

I am not quite sure, however, what you mean by sending a proper <port erase> command.

And for the item issue: filling the item with dummy entries was what I eventually came up with. Thank god lpt is only 8 bits.

Bye, Malte.

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Dave, you've once again been helpful

I live to serve...;-)

I am not quite sure, however, what you mean by sending a proper <port erase> command.

For the case of 'PORT_Probe' not being sent out, I'd try introducing yet another port signal in between 'PORT_refset' and 'PORT_probe' which would set all bits to low again

<port PORT_erase>
/ items = ("00000000")

yielding something like

/ iscorrectresponse = [((values.iIdent==0)
&& (trial.TRIAL_probe.response==203))||((values.iIdent==1)
&& (trial.TRIAL_probe.response==205))]
/ responseinterrupt =
/ responsetime = 2250
/ responsetrial = (anyresponse,
/ responsetrial = (noresponse, TRIAL_response)
stimulustimes = [0 = SHAPE_blank,PIC_fix,TEXT_debugstring;
3000=SHAPE_blank,PIC_fix,PORT_erase; 4500=PORT_probe,SHAPE_blank,PIC_ref_p03;
/ timeout = 8250
/ validresponse =

Make sense?


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Perfectly, I'll try that and let you know. But since this is coming from you, I have good faith [I]

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But since this is coming from you, I have good faith

BAD mistake. Everyone knows I can't be trusted. But seriously, I'm not sure my suggestion will do the trick. Troubleshooting port issues is a major pain, IMO.


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Any progress / new insights regarding the port issue?


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Hi Dave,

not yet. I got no access to the gadget that's recording the lpt signals and the colleague who has will not be in before Monday, I'll report as soon as I know something. Let's hope the best, I'm off to Serbia until Tuesday.

Bye, Malte.


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