Placing a text box below a picture

Julie Krans
Julie Krans
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I'm having trouble placing a textbox below a picture.

It works with a likert scale, but when I create a textbox instead I get an error that the trial reference cannot be located. I think this is because there is no stimulusframes in textbox?

Anyway, I need to present the pictures at random and only once, with one picture on the screen at once, and a textbox underneath.

I now have this:

*** instruction BLUR1 ***
<page pBLUR>
You will now be presented with several pictures. It is your job to identify what's on the picture.^
Please type your answer in the box below the picture.^
If you cannot identify the picture, please write "don't know".^
**** BLUR1 ****
<picture BLUR>
/ items = BLUR
/ position = (50, 40)

<item BLUR>
/1 = "airplane.jpg"
/2 = "baby.jpg"
/3 = "blackeye.jpg"
/4 = "bloodface.jpg"
/5 = "boxing.jpg"
/6 = "burning.jpg"
/7 = "carcrash.jpg"
/8 = "cattle.jpg"
/9 = "coma.jpg"
/10 = "earthquake.jpg"
/11 = "firefighter.jpg"
/12 = "gunshot.jpg"
/13 = "hanging.jpg"
/14 = "johndoe.jpg"
/15 = "rape.jpg"
/16 = "rebellion.jpg"
/17 = "running.jpg"
/18 = "thumb.jpg"
/19 = "trains.jpg"
/20 = "tumor.jpg"
/21 = "underwear.jpg"

<block BLUR1>
/ preinstructions = (pBLUR)
/ trials = [1-21 = BLUR]

Thanks for your help.

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There is no <trial> element named "BLUR" in the script you posted, hence the error message.

<block BLUR1>
/ preinstructions = (pBLUR)
/ trials = [1-21 = BLUR]

You should set up an <openended> element to collect the response and display the pictures.



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Hi Dave, 

I have the same problem but I keep don't understand how to place a text box below a picture.



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<openended myopenended>
/ stimulusframes = [1=mypicture}
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<picture mypicture>
/ position = (50%, 40%)

Generally, I recommend you work through the various tutorials in the Inquisit documentation before moving on.



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Thanks Dave,

But I really try since 1 week, then I try your solution and I still don't be able to join a text box with a picture at the same time.


Ps: I'm french ;)

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Unless you can provide a way more specific description of your problems, I unfortunately don't see how I could help you at this point. In either case, I strongly recommend you (re-)work through the tutorials to get down the basics of Inquisit's syntax. Then read the documentation for the <picture> and <openended> elements and fill in the blanks in the example code I provided earlier.

If you'd rather work with <surveypage>s, first work through the "Demographic Survey" tutorial. Then see the documentation for <surveypage>, its /questions attribute, the <textbox> and the <image> element.



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I want to have the same textbox but with different pictures. The subjects will have a picture an then will have to answer to the same question in the box. I have 16 pictures.

<picture Number>

/1 = "8.jpg"

/2 = "-14.jpg"

/3 = "52.jpg"

/4 = "-43.jpg"

/5 = "77.jpg"

/6 = "10.jpg"

/7 = "-8.jpg"

/8 = "-21.jpg"

/9 = "57.jpg"

/10 ="22.jpg"

/11= "62.jpg"

/12= "-50.jpg"

/13= "33.jpg"

/14= "-31.jpg"

/15= "-68.jpg"

/16= "-75.jpg"


<textbox magnitude>

/ caption = "Magnitude numérique"

/ mask = positiveinteger

/ range = (7, 110)


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#1: Your definition / syntax for the <picture> element is wrong. You'll find correct examples in the respective documentation topics and tutorials.

#2: For a simple setup such as this one, use <openended> as outlined previously, not <textbox>. If, for whatever reason, you *must* use <textbox>, you'll have to define <surveypage> elements to *display* the <textbox> and picture. For that see the survey tutorial mentioned earlier. Use the <surveypage> element's /questions attribute to display an <image> or use its /stimulusframes attribute to display a <picture> element.

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This is really not simple for me. I read the part of openenden , item, picture, in the introduction. I tried the tutorials, and read some "how to". I can present the picture alone, and the text box alone but not together.


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I tried the tutorials

I recommend you repeat that exercise. Don't just read or skim them -- *do* them., i.e., write the actual code by following the instructions closely. You'll see it's *really* simple:

<block MyBlock>
/ trials = [1-16=TypeNumber]

<openended TypeNumber>
/ stimulusframes = [1=NumberPicture]
/ position = (50%, 70%)

<picture NumberPicture>
/ items = NumberItems
/ select = noreplace
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<item NumberItems>
/1 = "8.jpg"
/2 = "-14.jpg"
/3 = "52.jpg"
/4 = "-43.jpg"
/5 = "77.jpg"
/6 = "10.jpg"
/7 = "-8.jpg"
/8 = "-21.jpg"
/9 = "57.jpg"
/10 ="22.jpg"
/11= "62.jpg"
/12= "-50.jpg"
/13= "33.jpg"
/14= "-31.jpg"
/15= "-68.jpg"
/16= "-75.jpg"




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