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I've tried a Gravis Gamepad Pro (USB), a generic gameport gamepad, a Gravis Eliminator Aftershock (USB), and an Xbox controller with a USB adapter and DirectX compatible driver for Windows XP. Inquisit 1.33 never seems to detect any joystick (an error pops up saying that no joystick was detected). Inquisit 2.0 detected at least the Gravis Gamepad Pro but it never works (i.e., Inquisit does not respond to it).
I'd rather try a couple other approaches before shipping you a joystick but I'd be happy to do that if it came down to it and if I could get the joystick back.
Here is a script I just tried out:
{text text_stim} / erase = true(0, 0, 0) / halign = center / hjustify = center / numitems = 6 / items = ("string1", "string2", "string3", "string4", "string5", "string6") / position = (50, 50) / select = noreplace / txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0) / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / valign =center / vjustify = center {/text}
{trial text_trial} / inputdevice = joystick
/ validresponse = (left,right,button1) / pretrialpause = 0 / frames = [1=text_stim] / posttrialpause = 0 / responsemode = free {/trial}
{block main} /screencolor = (0, 0, 0) /trials = [1-6 = text_trial]
{expt} / blocks = [1 = main] {/expt}
BTW, I had to use {}'s beacuse the correct symbols made the form crash, as well as the keywords code and /code in brackets.