trialcode doesn't match stimulusitem in the data file

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I  am trying to finish a picture stroop experiment. I wrote the script and tried to run, however, I found that the pictures in the trialcode  doesn't match the stimulusitem, three examples are listed below:

date      time   subject     trialcode               blockcode   blocknum   trialnum   latency                    response                             stimulusitem1   stimulusitem2

091113   19:13   1        picturemcwn1.BMP      M                     2                98          684     m-o_1_091113_1913_2_98.wav                     +               moincon4.BMP

091113   19:13   1        picturemscon4.BMP     M                   2               99          684     m-o_1_091113_1913_2_99.wav                       +                moincon7.BMP

091113   19:13   1           picturemsn2.BMP      M                    2              100        1101   m-o_1_091113_1913_2_100.wav                     +                 moincon6.BMP

Another question, how to remove the white frame in the instruction page (inclose a picture in the attachment)?

These are part of my script:

<item picture>






<picture mcwn1.BMP>

/items = picture



<picture msn2.BMP>

/items = picture




<picture mon4.BMP>

/items = picture



<text fixation>

/items = ("+")

/ color = (255, 255, 255)

/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 40pt)

/ erase = false





<page page1>





/ screencolor = (0,0,0)

/ nextkey = (" ")

/ lastlabel = "Press the spacebar to continue"

/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar to continue"

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 40pt)

/ txcolor =  (255,255,255)

/ wait = 500



*** TRIALS *****


<trial picturemcwn1.BMP> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation;1000=msn1.BMP]

/ responsetime = 1000

/ response = timeout(2000)


<trial picturemsn2.BMP> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation;1000=msn2.BMP]

/ responsetime = 1000

/ response = timeout(2000)



<trial picturemon3.BMP> 

/ stimulustimes = [0=fixation;1000=msn3.BMP]

/ responsetime = 1000

/ response = timeout(2000)



*** BLOCKS *****


<block practice>


/ bgstim = (fixation)

/ trials = [1-30 = noreplace(picturemcwcon1.BMP, picturemon2.BMP, picturemcwcon3.BMP……)


<block M>


/ bgstim = (fixation)

/ trials = [1-30 = noreplace(picturemcwcon1.BMP, picturemon2.BMP, picturemcwcon3.BMP……)






/ blocks = [1=practice;2=M]


Could you please give me some help?

instruction.png (1.2K views, 17.00 KB)
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I found that the pictures in the trialcode  doesn't match the stimulusitem,

There is no reason why they should match -- these are two completely unrelated things.

trialcode = name of the <trial> element

stimulusitem = the item displayed

Eyvery one of our <picture> elements samples randomly from 100 items, you cannot expect any given trial to select any particular item.

Another question, how to remove the white frame in the instruction page (inclose a picture in the attachment)?

It can't be removed. All you can do is increase the size of the instruction's "window" via the <instruct> element's /windowsize attribute.


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