Hi everyone!One of the blocks in my experiment contains two likerts and a surveypage. I put the picture as bgstim in the block (to appear at each trial), and it does, for the two likerts, but not for the survey. How can I make it appear in the survey as well?(I also tried writing a trial instead of the survey, but then I am not able to add the radiobuttons).Can you help me with any suggestion, please?Here is a sample of my script:<surveypage question4>/caption = "For each of the traits below, please indicate to what extent you think it matches the person in the picture."/questions = [1=a1; 2=a2]/finishlabel = "Finish"</surveypage><block picture1>/trials=[1=question_1; 2=question_2; 3=question_4]/bgstim=(picture1)</block>