Keeping values stored over several sessions

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Hi everyone, 

I am running an idea generation task via openended elements. This task spans over several sessions. I'm using several values to log certain performance criteria. Session 2 shall build on the performance variables, generated in session 1, in order to utilise conditional branching, based on the performance in session 1.
Now, I'm searching for a way to transfer the performance variables, generated in session 1, over to session 2. Is there a way to achieve that?
I successfully extracted the relevant data using the summary data element. Does anyone know if it is possible to reimport those data files into a script? Or any other way to keep certain values and variables stored over several sessions and / or scripts? 

Responses are much appreciated :)

Have a great day

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Once you have "extracted" the values of interest, converted them into valid Inquisit syntax and stored in a file, you can use conditional <include> elements to pull the respective file into the script based on e.g. the subject id.

See the attached minimal example.

experiment.iqx (953 views, 438 bytes)
subject1values.txt (790 views, 44 bytes)
subject2values.txt (832 views, 44 bytes)

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