> After test-running the study, we found that the transition from/to Qualtrics is not as smooth and carefree as we hoped... So,the
> major issue is that, once participants are done with the IATs, they are brought back to the last Qualtrics page they were on
> with the link to Inquisit. During the test run, some of my research assistants thought that a page popped up after IATs was a
> new one with a new link so they clicked on the link again only to found that they were brought back to Inquisit for the second
> time. Assuming that not all participants will be reading the instructions very carefully, this mistake would like to happen to
> multiple people.
You may want to explore options for resolving this on the Qualtrics-side. E.g. disable the link after a short period of time using JavaScript.
> Based on my conversation with a Qualtric specialist, in order to pass condition query, we need to be able to enter four URLs
> (one for each of the four experimental conditions).
I don't believe this is accurate and would recommend going over this with Qualtrics support again. Qualtrics should be perfectly capable of (1) extracting the value of the condition query parameter passed back and forth and (2) adjusting the survey flow according to that value (i.e., administer a set of questions based on the condition), all within a single survey.
> Finally, I would like participants to install Inquisit program immediately after consenting. I remember there was a thread on this
> topic discussing an exact command that we need to insert to achieve that. But, it seemed like those posted commands were
> not working [...]
The topic you are referring to is
https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic13622.aspx and the commands therein are working (see the various responses for code using the Web Player instead of the plugin as well as how to test the code). It may be that Qualtrics imposes constraints on custom / 3rd party JavaScript on their platform, but I do not know that. Qualtrics support should be able to provide specifics if so. Alternatively, direct your participants to
https://www.millisecond.com/download/inquisitweb4.aspx prior to the Qualtrics survey or embed that page at the start of your survey.
Hope this helps.