radiobuttons: images and columns; global timer

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psychostudy - Tuesday, January 9, 2018
thank you, that works fine, though no matter how big I make the textbox, I can only write in it on the first line. Did I miss something?

If you want the textbox to allow for multi-line entry, set its /multiline attribute to 'true', i.e.

<radiobuttons myrb>
/ options = ("A","B","C")
/ other = otherbox

<textbox otherbox>
/ caption = "Other:"
/ textboxsize = (30%,10%)
/ multiline = true

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=myrb]

Hope this helps!

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thank you, that works fine, though no matter how big I make the textbox, I can only write in it on the first line. Did I miss something?

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psychostudy - Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Thank you very much!

Another question regarding Radiobuttons though, if I use the /other option, is there a way to customize the size of the textbox appearing?

Yes, you can do this by defining a separate <textbox> element and specifying that in the <radiobuttons> /other attribute:

<radiobuttons myrb>
/ options = ("A","B","C")
/ other = otherbox

<textbox otherbox>
/ caption = "Other:"
/ textboxsize = (30%,10%)

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=myrb]

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Thank you very much!

Another question regarding Radiobuttons though, if I use the /other option, is there a way to customize the size of the textbox appearing?

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psychostudy - Monday, January 1, 2018
Have to "revive" yet another old thread, but the questions are related to previous things:

1) earlier  I asked you follwing question and you wrote this:
> that you can make a short message appear in the sense of "you ticked too many boxes"?

Yes. From the page with your checkboxes /branch to another page that displays the "too many boxes" message if too many boxes have been ticked. From there, /branch back to the original page.
My question is, if I have multiple survey pages, can I have a sort of global "error" page, which is linked to all of them and then automatically branches back to whatever current survey page the participant was on before, or do I have to setup a different "error" page for each?

Kinda related to this, is it possible to have a sort of error message pop up/ branching to an error page when using radiobuttons? In the case if the participant chooses a wrong answer and wants to proceed.

and my last question for now, for the instructions, I want certain words inside of a paragraph to be in different colors. Is there an easy way to go about it or do I have to make a separate <text> element for the colored words and try positioning them in the paragraph?

> My question is, if I have multiple survey pages, can I have a sort of global "error" page, which is linked to all of them and then automatically branches back to whatever current survey page the participant was on before, or do I have to setup a different "error" page for each?

Maybe. Ultimately, this depends on how you've set up the script. If you store whatever the previous surveypage was in a <values> entry, you can /branch back to the respective page via a <list>, for example:

/ pg = 1

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-3 = noreplace(a,b,c)]

<surveypage a>
/ caption = "Page A"
/ ontrialbegin = [ = 1;
/ questions = [1=qa]
/ branch = [
    if ("error") surveypage.errorpage

<surveypage b>
/ caption = "Page B"
/ ontrialbegin = [ = 2;
/ questions = [1=qb]
/ branch = [
    if (radiobuttons.qb.response=="error") surveypage.errorpage

<surveypage c>
/ caption = "Page C"
/ ontrialbegin = [ = 3;
/ questions = [1=qc]
/ branch = [
    if (radiobuttons.qc.response=="error") surveypage.errorpage

<surveypage errorpage>
/ caption = "this is the global error page. we'll branch back to the previous surveypage"
/ branch = [

<radiobuttons qa>
/ options = ("proceed normally", "go to error page")
/ optionvalues = ("normal", "error")

<radiobuttons qb>
/ options = ("proceed normally", "go to error page")
/ optionvalues = ("normal", "error")

<radiobuttons qc>
/ options = ("proceed normally", "go to error page")
/ optionvalues = ("normal", "error")

<list pagelist>
/ items = (surveypage.a, surveypage.b, surveypage.c)
/ select =

> Kinda related to this, is it possible to have a sort of error message pop up/ branching to an error page when using radiobuttons? In the case if the participant chooses a wrong answer and wants to proceed.

The above example code should cover that.

> and my last question for now, for the instructions, I want certain words inside of a paragraph to be in different colors. Is there an easy way to go about it or do I have to make a separate <text> element for the colored words and try positioning them in the paragraph?

Several options apart from separate <text> elements:

(1) Use HTML. Format the HTML as desired (i.e. different fonts, color, etc. for certain words as needed) and display the resulting HTML file as a <htmlpage> instruction page or in a regular <trial> as <html> stimulus.

(2) Prepare your instructions in the word processor of your choice with all the desired formatting (different colors, etc.), take a screenshot, and then simply have Inquisit display the resulting image file as a <picture> stimulus in a regular <trial>.

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Have to "revive" yet another old thread, but the questions are related to previous things:

1) earlier  I asked you follwing question and you wrote this:
> that you can make a short message appear in the sense of "you ticked too many boxes"?

Yes. From the page with your checkboxes /branch to another page that displays the "too many boxes" message if too many boxes have been ticked. From there, /branch back to the original page.
My question is, if I have multiple survey pages, can I have a sort of global "error" page, which is linked to all of them and then automatically branches back to whatever current survey page the participant was on before, or do I have to setup a different "error" page for each?

Kinda related to this, is it possible to have a sort of error message pop up/ branching to an error page when using radiobuttons? In the case if the participant chooses a wrong answer and wants to proceed.

and my last question for now, for the instructions, I want certain words inside of a paragraph to be in different colors. Is there an easy way to go about it or do I have to make a separate <text> element for the colored words and try positioning them in the paragraph?

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psychostudy - Monday, November 13, 2017
that was very helpful, thanks again!
just a small add-on: I actually wanted to ask for a whole survey and not only a surveypage, but I tried it out (in a block, since there will be branching to <trials> as well) and seems to work out just fine. So my question is, if I declare something like this

<block example>
/ pages =[1-4 = noreplace (w,x,y,z)]
where w,x,y,z are surveypages, am I right in the assumption that each page will only be shown once, and not that it skips a page or shows a page twice?

It should read

<block example>
/ trials = [1-4 = noreplace (w,x,y,z)]

(the <block> element has no /pages attribute, only the <survey> element does), but otherwise you are correct.

<block example>
/ trials = [1-4 = noreplace (w,x,y,z)]

will give you one instance of <surveypage w>, one instance of <surveypage x>, one instance of <surveypage y>, and one instance of <surveypage z> in random order.

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that was very helpful, thanks again!
just a small add-on: I actually wanted to ask for a whole survey and not only a surveypage, but I tried it out (in a block, since there will be branching to <trials> as well) and seems to work out just fine. So my question is, if I declare something like this

<block example>
/ pages =[1-4 = noreplace (w,x,y,z)]
where w,x,y,z are surveypages, am I right in the assumption that each page will only be shown once, and not that it skips a page or shows a page twice?

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psychostudy - Monday, November 13, 2017
Ok thanks, that helped out!
For 3) I meant the position of the answers (/options) of a single /radiobutton element, for example if you could space them out a bit.
for 4) yeah I must've mixed them up.

Also sorry, but got yet another question: Is it possible to randomize the question order of a surveypage?

> For 3) I meant the position of the answers (/options) of a single /radiobutton element, for example if you could space them out a bit.

Thanks for the clarification. Several options:

You can use

/ orientation = horizontalequal

<radiobuttons example>
/ options = ("cat", "dog", "elephant")
/ orientation = horizontalequal

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=example]

or you can pad options with spaces or tabs:

<radiobuttons example>
/ options = ("cat~t", "dog~t", "elephant")
/ orientation = horizontal

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=example]

> Is it possible to randomize the question order of a surveypage?

Yes. Like so:

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1-3 = noreplace(a,b,c)]

<radiobuttons a>
/ options = ("A1", "A2")
/ orientation = horizontalequal

<radiobuttons b>
/ options = ("B1", "B2")
/ orientation = horizontalequal

<radiobuttons c>
/ options = ("C1", "C2")
/ orientation = horizontalequal

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Ok thanks, that helped out!
For 3) I meant the position of the answers (/options) of a single /radiobutton element, for example if you could space them out a bit.
for 4) yeah I must've mixed them up.

Also sorry, but got yet another question: Is it possible to randomize the question order of a surveypage?


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