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Hello, I've got a few questions reading the construction of a matrices test, which I want to have as part of my experiment: Basically I want to present the pattern and the participants have to choose between the missing elements (implemented as pictures), one exercise per page. Since they may skip forward if they can't solve one and come back to it later, I opted for implementing it with radiobuttons, since it's easy to go forward/backwards and the participants can see easily which one they already solved.
So here are my questions: 1.) Is it possible to tie images directly to the radiobuttons (i.e. to implement them as /options)? 2.) Is it possible to have multiple columns with one single radiobutton element, or do you have to make a separate one for each column? 3.) I'd like to put a time limit on the task, which should be visible on every page, and end the block (as it is just a part of an experiment) regardless on which page they are. Is something like that possible?
thanks for your answers in advance.