Help Needed: Randomizing Survey Order in Inquisit

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Dave - 5/20/2024
EN - 5/20/2024
Hi everyone,

I'm new to Inquisit and need help with randomizing the order of surveys for each respondent. Here’s what I want to achieve:

Respondents read an explanation followed by a training phase.
They then complete N surveys. Each survey consists of 3 surveypages presented in a fixed order.
I want to randomize the order of these N surveys for each respondent. I’ve seen references to using <batch> and <trial> commands, and suggestions about storing each survey in different .iqx files, but I'm not sure how to proceed, especially with more than 20 surveys.

Attached is an example with 2 surveys, currently in the fixed order: Explanation → Training → Survey 1 → Survey 2. I need to randomize the order of Survey 1 and Survey 2.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

<survey> elements are special types of <block> elements. You randomize them just like any other kind of block, i.e. via the <expt> element's /blocks attribute.

<expt example>
/ blocks = [1 = survey.INTRO; 2-3 = noreplace(survey.SCENARIO_01, survey.SCENARIO_02)]

Thank you for your prompt response!
I'm glad I asked. That was simpler than I thought, and it's doing exactly what I needed.

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EN - 5/20/2024
Hi everyone,

I'm new to Inquisit and need help with randomizing the order of surveys for each respondent. Here’s what I want to achieve:

Respondents read an explanation followed by a training phase.
They then complete N surveys. Each survey consists of 3 surveypages presented in a fixed order.
I want to randomize the order of these N surveys for each respondent. I’ve seen references to using <batch> and <trial> commands, and suggestions about storing each survey in different .iqx files, but I'm not sure how to proceed, especially with more than 20 surveys.

Attached is an example with 2 surveys, currently in the fixed order: Explanation → Training → Survey 1 → Survey 2. I need to randomize the order of Survey 1 and Survey 2.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

<survey> elements are special types of <block> elements. You randomize them just like any other kind of block, i.e. via the <expt> element's /blocks attribute.

<expt example>
/ blocks = [1 = survey.INTRO; 2-3 = noreplace(survey.SCENARIO_01, survey.SCENARIO_02)]

Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)Associate Member (76 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 87
Hi everyone,

I'm new to Inquisit and need help with randomizing the order of surveys for each respondent. Here’s what I want to achieve:

Respondents read an explanation followed by a training phase.
They then complete N surveys. Each survey consists of 3 surveypages presented in a fixed order.
I want to randomize the order of these N surveys for each respondent. I’ve seen references to using <batch> and <trial> commands, and suggestions about storing each survey in different .iqx files, but I'm not sure how to proceed, especially with more than 20 surveys.

Attached is an example with 2 surveys, currently in the fixed order: Explanation → Training → Survey 1 → Survey 2. I need to randomize the order of Survey 1 and Survey 2.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.


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