Trouble with Double IAT Instructions Random list selection How to establish a TCP/IP connection between Inquisit 6 and EGI Relabeling picture stimuli Defining and selecting from a list of text items HTTP 403 status error Displaying message if no response detected before trial timeout Time to type the first lettert Session ID and number are not correct Record response time down to the millisecond Does Inquisit work with NI-DAQ? Specifically the USB-to-trigger port on Cortech Solutions SD-MS-TCPUA USB-to-25pin trigger cable Drag and drop trial where dropsource stays on screen Bug in /stop attribute? Dynamically controlling finishpage in batch files Creating a survey that presents questions containing stimuli presented earlier Selecting the same surveypage but changing the single presented question (radiobuttons) everytime in a randomized way Group selection in Inquisit player how to avoid presenting specific two stimuli continuously HTML Functionality in Inquisit 6 How to ensure that the text in /caption is displayed in full?