standardize the display size of images with different original dimensions Is there any way to do cubic spline in Inquisit? Batch Randomized Inquisit SONA data collection question different trials, made with stimuli from same list Use rotation attribute to determine correct response Display a sequence of questions 80 persons use app at the same time Inquisit Lab Freezing when selecting items of very long list Increase/Change Size of Caption in Survey possible to change the response text for millisecond's consent form? Removing or adding multiple items in list at one time Cyberball 5 Keyboard Control Issue - Urgent Help Needed Help with a script ontrialend 'too slow' feedback not working Index of max function branching doesn't work for 'too slow' and 'wrong' feedback How would you present large text stimuli? How to insert jpeg image as a multiple choice answer option? how to present sound pictogram when sound plays